
British Waterways registration is based on size of craft.  The total for the 2021-22 season is: 

Stand up = £149.40

Sit down = £171.60

Extra sit down £66.60

Extra stand up £44.40

Download membership form here

RYA PWC is required prior to joining the club.

The total includes the Watersports Centre fee for a single membership. There is a fee for each additional family member (£50.00).  The Watersports Centre operate an honesty box system if you wish to bring family or a visitor.  As said it is an “honesty box” so please leave some kind of donation for the use of showers/facilities.  If you are not using them then it is not an issue.

Barrage Fees are still to be determined expect around £21.50 per metre (50% discount rate).  Barrage Fees are due on the 1st April, fees are to be paid by the latest 30th April .

Proof of insurance is required and a copy will be taken for British Waterways and also for the club itself,  COVER NOTES  will not be accepted as proof of insurance. 

Watersports centre fees this year are include gym membership during our allotted river slots and also free hire of the hall which costs about £80 if you need a function.

The owner of the craft will be responsible to ensure that anyone who uses the craft that has been registered is insured to do so. 

River Usage allowed to Tees Personal Watercraft Club:- 

Monday: 8 am - Noon 

Tuesday: Noon - 6 pm 

Friday: 3 pm - 10 pm 

Saturday: 6 am - 10 am 

Sunday: 12 pm - 3 pm

© TeesJetSki 2021